Psyllium Husk is a type of fibre with important properties for our body.

Today we will address a topic of great interest to everyone because the proper functioning of our body is or should be our primary goal.
For this reason, we will deal with the aspects related to Psyllium husk, an important name, right?
Without health, our existence would be mediocre, restrictive and limited. By this, we refer to those conditions to which we believe we pay sufficient attention, but which, for one reason or another, we neglect, and something that could have been acute turns into chronic, with the consequent emotional, economic, physical and mental attrition.
Intestinal health
One of the circumstances that we have certainly suffered at least once is called intestinal constipation. The intestine is part of the digestive system and is responsible for extracting nutrients from food and eliminating residues.
The normal frequency of evacuation is three times a day, but there are people who go even more than three days without doing it, and the worst thing is that they don't give this situation the right importance. It is not just abdominal swelling, back pain, expansion of the rectal veins (haemorrhoids), but something more serious.

The compact, dry and hard stools do not come out with the movements that the intestine normally makes for this to happen. The situation can become so serious that it requires the transfer of the patient in these conditions to the emergency room.
When defecations are not produced regularly, our body fills up with gas and toxins, which end up contaminating it so much as to cause disorders such as occlusion, lazy or irritable bowel syndrome.
What is Psyllium Husk?
Psyllium husk or Psyllium, Blond Psyllium, Indian Plantago or Ispagula, is a herb that grows in South Asia and germinates in sandy or muddy soils.
It originates from the seeds of the Plantago ovata, which has an amber colour of the crystalline sand type.
Almost 90% of Psyllium produced worldwide comes from India.

First of all, it can be said that Psyllium husk is a natural laxative, which increases the frequency of evacuation by absorbing water or liquids from the intestine:
It has a higher amount of fibre than flax or chia seeds. In addition, it increases its real size up to 50 times its weight. It contains high amounts of gelatin or mucilage, which keeps the transit of faecal mass light and regular. Because of its gelly property, Psyllium Husk is commonly used in vegan cheese recipes.

What Psyllium Husk is used for
Combats prolonged constipation.
Prevents diverticulosis and haemorrhoids.
Regulates blood sugar levels and lipids, especially cholesterol.
Check your body weight.
It does not over-stimulate the nervous system.
How to take Psyllium Husk?
Psyllium Husk is available in powder, capsule, seed or cachet format (wafer or very thin ciladino).
Consult your doctor if:
You are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You are diabetic or have another disease.
You are allergic.
Psyllium Side Effects
There are no known side effects, but it is preferable to prevent them by consulting your primary care physician. While mixing the powder with the juice or water, avoid inhaling the powder as it can cause an allergy.
Follow the directions on the prospectus or your doctor's instructions carefully.
If you use Psyllium for the treatment of high cholesterol, the ideal is to combine it with a diet indicated for this purpose.
This means that taking psyllium husk by itself does not guarantee optimal results, which is why we must be aware of what we need to improve and enjoy good health.