Originally made using whale fat, candles first appeared over 2,000 years ago with the only purpose of illumination. From the 1st century up until the 19th century, candles were primarily made using beeswax or tallow, and aside from providing light, were used as a method of keeping time.
Nowadays, whether you enjoy candles for their soothing scents or simply for their ambience, these small luxuries have a place in almost every home. Candles are primarily made of paraffin or natural waxes.
Paraffin wax candles emit trace of dangerous organic compounds when burned (such as naphthalene, acrolein, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde) and lead which is a major source of concern in candle emissions for public health environments.
Recent studies on candle waxes concluded that natural wax, such as soy wax is considered a healthier alternative to the paraffin wax. Hence, soy candles are more eco-friendly than the paraffin candles in the sense that there are lesser or no toxic gases given off when burning soy candles.
It is safe to burn paraffin candles in open space due to the rapid release of incombustible toxic gases. On the other hand, soy candles are preferable for lighting in enclosed space because they do not release much of toxic gases into the environment.
Soy wax has many environmental and health benefits and we love working with it. Here are some of our top reasons for choosing soy wax candles:
Soy wax is a vegetable wax made from the oil of soybeans.
Soy is a renewable source, unlike paraffin wax which relies on our decreasing supply of crude oil.
You can enjoy your soy wax candle knowing it hasn't had a negative impact on the environment.
Soy wax burns on average 40-50% slower than paraffin wax, resulting in long-lasting candles and giving you better value for money.
You can easily clean soy wax off the container with warm soapy water making it easy to repurpose your vessel once the candle has burned down.
Soy wax is clean burning and doesn't release toxins, carcinogens or pollutants which means it's less likely to trigger allergies.