December vegetables are all very good, important for a balanced diet , but also to protect yourself from seasonal ailments: fill up on them and you will see that you will feel great.
Consuming 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day is essential for your well-being.
Vegetables, like fruit, are foods that must always be part of a correct and healthy diet. They have a reduced caloric intake and provide many nutrients (vitamins, provitamins, minerals, fiber, and various other minor components) essential for a correct and healthy development of our organism.
They are nutrients that can never be supplied to our body through supplements or substitutes: even more so for children, we must ensure that fruit and vegetables are always present in their diet.
Fruits and vegetables, especially if you choose them in season, are a mine of antioxidants but also of iron.
Eating seasonal products every day is a simple and good rule, as well as a basic principle of the Mediterranean diet. Take care of your body and cover your body's nutritional needs in a healthy way.
Discover the December vegetables to bring to the table
1 - Chard
Calories: 17 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties Rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium, pro-vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin.
Therapeutic properties
Promotes the good functioning of the intestine.
Strengthens the immune system.
It has a refreshing and emollient power.
An ally of the skin, it protects the eyesight, keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and has anti-inflammatory properties.
2 - Broccoli
Calories: 30 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Among the most important December vegetables there are undoubtedly broccoli. They are rich in mineral salts (calcium, potassium, iron, sulfur and phosphorus) and have a high vitamin content (C, A, B1 and B2).
They also contain phytonutrients and dietary fiber, which help fight constipation and sulforaphane, a substance that protects the heart and arteries.
Therapeutic properties
They strengthen the immune system.
Promote the reduction of water retention.
They help the body detoxify and keep blood pressure at bay.
They carry out a preventive action against the appearance of breast, endometrial, lung, prostate and digestive system cancer, thanks to beta-carotene and sulforaphane, a substance that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
3 - Artichokes
Calories: 22 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Rich in iron and potassium, artichoke is one of the December vegetables with a high content of folic acid and magnesium and has the highest amount of fiber in the plant world. In addition, it plays a very important role in keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels low.
Therapeutic properties
Among the most representative vegetables of December, the artichoke is an excellent ally for your liver.
Thanks to the cynarin it promotes detoxification and diuresis and contributes to the elimination of bad cholesterol in the blood. Furthermore, thanks to the soluble fiber, it stabilizes the blood sugar level.
4 - Carrots
Calories: 35 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Carrots are a real source of mineral salts (especially calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus), vitamins (B, C, PP, D and E,), beta-carotene and are rich in antioxidant properties.
Therapeutic properties
They protect the sight.
They counteract the ulcer and have a protective action on the stomach walls.
They facilitate diuresis and intestinal regularity.
They have anti-inflammatory properties.
5 - Brussels sprouts
Calories: 37 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Rich in mineral salts, including phosphorus and iron, folic acid, protein, fiber and vitamins, in particular vitamin C, vitamin A, K and group B.
Therapeutic properties
They have beneficial effects on female hormone metabolism , as well as recognized anti-anemic and detoxifying properties. They are useful in the prevention of cancers, especially those of the prostate, breast and colon.
6 - Cauliflower
Calories: 30 kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
It is rich in mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and copper) and vitamins, in particular vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9 and PP. Contains antioxidants, beta carotene, folic acid and amino acids.
Therapeutic properties
It is a natural regulator of blood pressure.
Promotes the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps fight ulcerative colitis.
Thanks to the high vitamin content it strengthens the immune system , fights rheumatism, bronchitis and gastric pathologies.
The chlorophyll contained in green cauliflower stimulates the production of hemoglobin, so its consumption is particularly recommended for those suffering from anemia.
7 - Cabbage
Cabbage: 27 Kcal per 100 g.
Kale: 57 Kcal per 100 g.
The most common types of cabbage: from savoy cabbage, to cabbage but also kale or black cabbage . They are versatile foods in the kitchen , they lend themselves to being cooked, stuffed, enjoyed in broth.
Nutritional properties
They have high amounts of vitamin C, B and antioxidants, especially phenolic substances. They are rich in fiber, iron and potassium.
Therapeutic properties
They help prevent various forms of cancer and contribute to regular intestinal functioning.
8 - Leeks
Calories: 35 Kcal per 100 grams
Nutritional properties
Leek is the ideal vegetable for those who follow a slimming diet , thanks also to its satiating power, its fibers and the presence of minerals that determine its diuretic and laxative action, so much so that it is recommended in case of hemorrhoids and abdominal swelling .
In fact, leek acts against intestinal gas thanks to its content in essential oils, which also contribute to digestive processes.
Therapeutic properties
Diuretic and laxative, it acts as a natural antibiotic against inflammation due to rheumatism.
Leek is useful for:
Those suffering from constipation.
Who has water retention problems.
Treat anemia, rheumatism, arthritis, urinary infections, hemorrhoids.
It is also effective against hypertension and lowers cholesterol.
9 - Jerusalem artichoke
Calories: 78 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Source of sugars, minerals and fibers, Jerusalem artichoke is a digestive and tonic tuber. Thanks to inulin, it has the ability to reduce the intestinal absorption of bad cholesterol and also of sugars. It is therefore useful both for preventing cardiovascular diseases and for those suffering from high blood sugar or diabetes.
Therapeutic properties
Jerusalem artichoke has a bitter taste reminiscent of artichoke and like this it is digestive because it stimulates the production of gastric juices and increases lactobacilli. It is also protective for the liver and intestinal disinfectant , particularly useful in case of inflammatory states.
10 - Radicchio
Calories: 28 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Radicchio has a very high water content (of which it is composed for almost 94%), is rich in fiber, anthocyanins, mineral salts such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper and has a moderate content of vitamins B, C and K.
Therapeutic properties
Promotes bowel regularity.
Helps digestion.
It has a purifying effect; thanks to the high content of mineral salts it is recommended for people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis.
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the high content of anthocyanins.
11 - Beetroot
Calories: 19 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
It is rich in minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B2, C and K and folic acid.
Therapeutic properties
It is a natural tonic that works against fatigue , lack of appetite and anemia thanks to the presence of microelements, which revitalize red blood cells and rebalance iron levels in the blood .
12 - Celery
Calories: 20 kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Celery contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and some B vitamins and vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin K.
Therapeutic properties
Useful against rheumatism.
The fibers contained in celery help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol.
Counteracts water retention.
13 - Spinach
Calories: 31 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
They are the December vegetables with the highest iron content , they also provide a good dose of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. They are rich in vitamin C and provitamin A.
Therapeutic properties
Spinach has laxative, anti-anemic and antioxidant properties thanks to the content of carotenoids, folic acid, chlorophyll and lutein.
14 - Pumpkin
Calories: 18 Kcal per 100 g
Nutritional properties
Good presence of carotenoids, vitamin C and fiber. Pumpkin is high in water and low in sugar. Instead, pumpkin seeds are rich in phytosterols and play an important role as antioxidants.
Therapeutic properties
Anti-cholesterol, draining, perfect for diets due to its high water content and low caloric value. Pumpkin improves night vision, intervenes in fetal morphogenesis, helps the immune system and prevents aging.